Thursday, September 6, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: Democrats say we all belong to government now

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Democrats say we all belong to government now: IBD
Suicide: The Democratic Party's Self-Inflicted Wounds: Rahe
Top 10 craziest things that happened at the DNC: HillBuzz

Watch Democrats Boo Inclusion of God, Jerusalem: Beacon
Clinton’s Speech Was Terrific, So Why Did Michelle Hate It?: HayRide
AZ police can ask immigration status of suspected illegals: MagNote

Julian Castro: a Radical Revealed: Breitbart
Obama's Speech Downgraded From 75K to 15K Seat Arena: GWP
Michelle Says “I” or “Me” 83 times: Dossier


Unpatriotic: BizzyBlog
Will the UAW’s King talk about Delphi's retirees?: RS
Obamacare: premiums for NC college students rise 51%: Hot Air

In Bush v. Obama, Bush Wins in a Rout: Commentary
Elizabeth Warren's Horrendous, Dishonest DNC Speech: Howling
DNC Day 2: Watching Paint Dry: Hawkins

Scandal Central

Democrats’ empty-chair convention: Wolf
Democratic Party 2012 platform quotes illegal alien praising Obama on immigration: 24Ahead
Felon Farmers? Law Criminalizes Legitimate Businesses: CBN

Fact Check: Obama Had More to Do With 2008 Economic Meltdown Than Bush Ever Did: GWP
The Only Politician With A Confirmed Kill In The War On Women: RWN
Change: Feds Seek Prison Time For Obama “Hope” Artist: Bruce

Climate & Energy

GM Shuts Down Chevy Volt Production: Foundry
C’mon Dems, Let Captain Carbon Chakra Speak At The Convention: Soylent (NSFW)
Japanese government says $637 billion needed to end nuclear power: Japan Daily


MSNBC’s Thomas Roberts Asks Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee About GOP “Poll Tax”: AIM
Michelle Obama gets 400,000 fewer viewers than watched Ann Romney’s speech: LI
MSNBC kicks out black conservative Kira Davis for having Mitt Romney sign: FAM

Democrats Lose Grip on Reality: Harsanyi
Matthews a few race cards short of a full deck: Coulter
Sandra Fluke's Inability to Tell the Truth: WS

Wasserman Snider's laughable claim that DNC isn't corporate-infused: LoneCon
Dems Punt on Plan to Stage DNC Without Corporate Money: ABC
Democrats Hammer Mitt Romney for Quote He Never Said: Roll Call

Bill Clinton: Please don’t judge Obama by the standards he set: York
Mark Levin on Clinton's Contempt: Kuznicki
Robert Rector Fact-Checks the Fact-Checkers on Welfare: Foundry


Saluting the Empty Chair: MagNote
Muslim prayer room at Denver Airport separate from Christians and Jews: Creeping
A Classified CIA Mea Culpa on Iraq: ForPol

Obama orders US military into joint exercise with Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood-controlled military?: TAB
For 4th straight year, US sinks lower in global competitiveness: Riehl
Book: “Inteventionism and Misery: 1929-2008?: Fausta


Digitization and Prosperity: S&B
Chinese students reportedly required to ‘intern’ at Foxconn producing Apple’s next iPhone: TNW
What can be done with bad teachers? [infographic]: Alltop


It’s official: Democrat Convention Boos God: Riehl
Bill Clinton’s spittle steals the show: Twitchy
Border Security Alone Not Enough to Stem the Tide of Violence: Foundry

Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: How You Can Fight For Better Political Dialogue

QOTD: "Shouldn't Democrats have to choose between the 'war on women' theme and adoring a man who killed a woman?" --John McCormick

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