’94 Tape Shows Obama Hatred Of Middle Class: S&LBook: Obama had temper tantrum over deal he nixed: Blgmcrcy
So Wait, If Republicans Are All Racist White Guys…: RWN
Overall Reaction to Obama’s Speech: Uh, Not Good.: Bruce
A Recycled Speech of Failed Ideas and Many Straw Men: RS
Obama's Big Lie Campaign: IBD
Obama Urges Amendment to Overturn the First Amendment: ObjStd
Twilight Zone Week: DLim
Dolan Calls for Religious Liberty, Protection of Unborn at DNC: Beacon
DNC Delegates: Hey, Let's Ban Corporate Profits!: HarsanyiSteelworker who bashed Bain at DNC never worked there: Nice Deb
Surprise: WI Economy Surging Without Tax Increases: Breitbart
You won't hear about the real GM at #dnc2012: Breitbart
Biden recycles debunked insurance fable: Twitchy
Manhattan Mini Storage Doesn't Want Your Business: Urban Infidel
Scandal Central
Anti-Christian Hate Speech Spews from the FL Democrat Chair: BlazePhoto proves DNC teleprompter loaded to affirm 2/3rds vote regardless outcome: Scoop
Is DoJ suit against Gallup retaliation for bad Obama poll numbers?: Hot Air
STUNNED – Krauthammer says Obama’s nomination speech one of the emptiest speeches he’s ever heard: ScoopABC Buries Democratic Booing of Restoring God and Israel to Party Platform: NB
As Tedious DNC Cult Rally Drags-On, Op Ed Cartoonists are Having a FIELD DAY: Reaganite
Woodward book: White House was completely unprepared for 2010 tidal wave election: WaPo
Amazing New Allen West Ad: “Three Times They Said No to God”: Bruce
Circus of the Vagina-gogues: Malkin
"America 2016": P&F
Nickelodeon Promotes Jason Biggs’s Depraved Twitter Feed: MB
Obama’s Approval Ratings Keep Getting Lower, Says Rasmussen: AIM
The End of US-Israel Strategic Cooperation?: GatestoneNetanyahu "Loses It" At US Ambassador Over Obama's Weak Iran Policy: Lid
There was another political party which abused God and didn’t want Jews on their platform either: Flopping Aces
American Jews: Wake Up and Take Your Heads Out of Your ...: Winter Soldier
Syrian General: "We are the last dam that is holding back the flood of Islamists in Europe": JihadWatch
When Obama Declared Our “Special Relationship” With Britain Over: Sooper
You don't bring a 3D printer to a gun fight -- yet: CNetThe Secret Inner Workings of Google Maps: Gizmodo
Security researchers to present new 'CRIME' attack against SSL/TLS: ComputerWorld
Barack Obama’s Most Egotistical Moments: MBBig Dawg Marks his Territory: Nutz, Sluts and Butts: MOTUS
Honey, You Didn't Build That!: Morning Spew
Image: A. F. Branco
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Senate Conservatives Fund
QOTD: "When you are in a tight race with your political opponent, you should not recycle a Jobs Act speech that failed to even persuade Democrats in Congress to pass your signature re-election initiative...
But that’s what Barack Obama did. A day after Bill Clinton brought the house down, Barack Obama took to the stage and reduced, reused, and recycled old states of the union speeches that have failed him for four years...
This speech was unoriginal. He stacked it with straw men and ignored his own two major initiatives from the first term: Obamacare and the Stimulus.
This was a failure and you know it was because he failed to even bring up his own major initiatives. On Obamacare, he mentioned parts of it, but never defended it or referenced the “Affordable Care Act.”" --Erick Erickson
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